Foot Pain
Rest, and try not to walk as much. Do the foam rolling and stretching techniques below 1-5 times a day:
Foam rolling
Calves Foam Rolling:
The technique is to press your calf onto the foam roller or ball and move your foot up, down, sideways to see if you can find a knot that is sensitive and to release the tension of the knot to help recover full range of motion. If you do not feel any pain, move on to another part of your calf. If you find a big knot, stay on that area for at least 1 minute to 2 minutes, depending on when the knot releases and melts away.
Calf Stretch:
Use a doorway to give yourself more grip, also, it is easier to get a deeper stretch with shoes on.
Make your foot as vertical as possible, stand up straight, and pull your hips closer to the wall to get a deeper calf stretch.
Hold for 1 minute to 2 minutes to get a good calf stretch and prevent future foot issues like plantar fasciitis. Doing this before and after a walk, jog or workout will increase your chance of preventing injuries.
Bad Posture
Do these exercises at least once daily and up to 3-5x daily. Perform each exercise for 1 – 2 minutes. Stop the exercise if you don’t feel the stretch or foam rolling sensation.
Foam rolling
Pecs Foam Rolling:
Press your pec onto the ball and move your arm up, down, and sideways to see if you can find a knot that is sensitive, and to release the tension of the knot to help regain range of motion. If you do not feel any pain, move on to another part of your pec. If you find a big knot, stay on that area for 1 minute to 2 minutes depending on when the knot releases.
Chin Tuck:
Try to be aware of your posture and where your chin is at all times. Try to keep shoulders relaxed while you practice tucking your chin in and out.
Foam rolling
Foam Roll Neck and Shoulders:
Press your shoulders onto the ball and move your arm up, down, and sideways to see if you can find a knot that is sensitive. Releasing the tension of the knot will help regain full range of motion. If you do not feel any pain, move on to another part of your shoulders. If you find a big knot, stay on that area for 1 minute to 2 minutes depending on when the knot releases.
Wall Angels:
Back flat against the wall, maintain a half-squat position. Chin tucked, bring arms up overhead while having shoulders, elbows, and wrists in contact with the wall. Once reaching the end range of motion at the top, begin to slide down and pinch shoulders blades while maintaining all points of contact with the wall. 10 reps, 3 sets.

Doorway Stretch:
Arms at a 90 degree angle. Place one foot forward, press your body forward with your hips to help you feel the stretch. Hold 30 seconds to 1-2 minutes.
Back Pain
If you are sitting a lot, your low back and glutes start to get tight. It is good to foam roll and stretch to open up the tightness 1-5 times a day, depending on pain.
Foam rolling
Roll Glute with Lacrosse Ball:
Press your glute onto the ball and have the leg that is sitting on the ball straight and the other leg bent. If you can find a knot that is sensitive when sitting on the ball, the goal is to release the tension of the knot. If you do not feel any pain, move to another part of your glute. If you find a knot, stay on that area for 1 minute to 2 minutes depending on when the knot releases.
Roll Back with Lacrosse Ball:
Press your back onto the ball to see if you can find a knot that is sensitive and to release the tension of the knot. If you do not feel any pain, move on to another part of your back. If you find a big knot, stay on that area for 1 minute to 2 minutes depending on when the knot releases.
Iron Cross:
Lay on your back, arms at a T, bring one leg up, and cross the body without lifting the shoulders off the ground. Alternate legs 10-30 reps.
Back Stretch, Hold:
Lay on your back, arms at a T, bend the knee and cross the body, use the opposite hand to hold the knee down and put more pressure, make sure to keep both shoulders down. Hold for 10 breaths or 30 seconds to 2 mins. Do both legs.
Top of the Knee Pain
Top of the knee pain usually is caused by tight quads.
Foam rolling
Roll Quad:
Press your quad onto the ball and move your leg up and down. Pay attention if you can find a knot that is sensitive. Release the tension of the knot to help regain full range of motion. If you do not feel any pain, move on to another part of your quad. If you find a big knot, stay on that area for 1 minute to 2 minutes depending on when the knot releases.

Quad Stretch:
Shoulders back, point the knee to the ground, pull from the toe. Make sure to keep your feet flat to help with ankle balance. 1-2 minutes hold.
Behind the Knee Pain
You need to do the following glute exercises to prevent behind the knee pain because your hamstrings and glutes are likely weak. Do these at least 1-2 months, daily.
Strength exercises
Lateral Band Walks:
Put the band at your ankles, make sure to keep tension and don’t allow the band to fall from your ankles. Squat lightly where your knees don’t pass your toes and you push your glutes back, but still keep your chest up.
You can measure by distance, by time (1 minute-3 minutes), or by when you feel the burning in your glute. You can use a thicker resistance band to make the movement more difficult and to feel burning faster.
Strength exercises
Two feet bridges:
Lay on your back, two feet shoulder-width apart, push with your heels your glute as high as you can where you see your hip and stomach be in a straight line. Make sure knees are about 90 degrees, not too close or too far from your glute. You are either going to hold the movement or do reps up and down.
Single Leg Bridge:
Lay on your back, feet together, one leg up, straight, quads even. Similar directions of breathing and feet placement and pushing through heels.
Options on duration:
10 reps, 3 sets 30-second hold, 3 sets 1 min hold, 3 sets
Tight Neck
It is important to sleep on a flat pillow, to pay attention to forward head, and to keep good posture. Do chin tucks and doorway stretches to prevent your neck from getting too tight. Do daily 1-5x.
Upper Trap Stretch-Holding chair and Head:
While sitting in a chair, hold the seat with one hand and place your other hand on your head to assist bending your head to the side as shown. 1-minute hold, 3 sets
Neck Levator Scapula Stretch :
Sit in a chair and hold onto the underside of the seat with one hand. Rotate your head to the opposite side of the hand that is under your chair. Take the opposite hand and pull your head and nose toward your armpit. 1-minute hold, 1 set.


Deep Anterior Neck Flexor Stretch, Hands on Chest:
Place your hands overlapping on your breast bone. Next, tilt your head upwards and away from the affected side until a gentle stretch is felt along the front and side of your neck. 1 minute hold, 1 set
Full Body Weight Training
Level 1
Marching with dumbbells:
Extend arms next to ears with dumbbells.
Duration: 1-5 minutes
Level 2
Seated squat with dumbbell overhead:
Extend arms next to ears with dumbbells with knees at a 90 degree angle when seated.
Duration: 1-5 minutes
Level 3
Bear Crawl:
The higher the glutes are, the easier it is, the lower, the more core strength. Don’t elevate shoulders, keep hands flat.
Duration: 1-5 minutes
Level 4
Mini Workout
Static Squat Hold:
Don’t let your knees pass your toes!
Duration: 30 seconds -5 minutes
Push-ups (incline, momentum, knee, strict):
Squeeze your abs to protect your back!
Duration: 30 seconds -5 minutes
Plank (knee, low, high plank):
Squeeze your glutes to protect your back!
Duration: 30 seconds – 5 minutes
Class Workouts
1.) The first video in a workout playlist is the stretching routine.
2.) The second video is the warm-up. Perform this movement as a Tabata: 20s on, 10s off for a total of 4 minutes.
3.) The remaining videos are the core movements. Do 2 sets of each movement, 1 minute each set.
Workout 1: Basic
Workout 2: Holds
Workout 3: Sideways
Workout 4: Forwards and Backwards
Workout 5: Jumping
Workout 6: Punching
Workout 7: Kicking
Workout 8: Lateral Movements
Workout 9: Full Body
Photographed and Filmed by Cassie Barron