Prices may vary, please click the links to see the price.
Food is an essential factor when it comes to weight loss or weight gain. 75% of results are determined by your food intake. A lot of people will cut out all the junk food or carbs from their diets because they think that that’s what’s making them unhealthy. They are correct in a sense. It is unhealthy to eat junk food and a lot of carbs, but it really depends on the amount that you intake. Our Yip Fitness program gives you healthier options as substitutes for the foods that you love instead of just cutting it out of your diet. If you cut something completely out of your diet then you will crave it even more. The goal is to eat unprocessed foods, it helps the body to have better digestion to absorb nutrients. If you crave unhealthy foods, these are some healthier options, but of course it is always better to eat more unprocessed instead.
- Contains less sodium
- Plant-based
- Baked, never fried
They can be purchased at local markets or stores such as Costco, They can be purchased at local markets or stores such as Costco, Target, and Walmart or you can purchase a pack of 3 on Amazon for $10+.
Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Potato Chips
- Contains less fat
They can be purchased at local markets or stores such as Costco, Target, and Walmart or you can purchase a pack of 24 on Amazon for $16+.
- Low calorie
- 100% whole-grain
- High-fiber
They can be purchased at Walmart or you can purchase it on Amazon for $12+.
These popcorn kernels work best with an air popper. In our “Food Gadgets/Utensils (hyperlink this article here)” article, we recommend the Hamilton Beach Electric Hot Air Popcorn Popper and using olive oil instead of butter.
Silk Almond Milk, Unsweetened Vanilla
- 450-600mg of calcium
- 30 calories per serving
They can be purchased at local markets or stores such as Costco, Target, and Walmart or you can purchase a case of 6 on Amazon for $10+.
Dave’s Killer Bread. This brand is a good substitute for regular bread.

- 5g of Protein
- 4g of Fiber
- 290mg ALA Omega-3
- Lower sugar
They can be purchased at local markets or stores such as Costco, Target, and Walmart.
Banza Chickpea Pasta has a great variety of pastas to choose from.
- Gluten Free, Non-GMO
- High Protein
- Lower Carb
They can be purchased at a local Target or you can purchase a pack of 6 (2 Penne/2 Rotini/2 Shells) on Amazon for $25+.
Oikos Triple Zero Yogurt

- 15g of Protein
- Vitamin D 10%
- Calcium 10%
- Low calorie
They can be purchased at local markets or stores such as Costco, Ralphs, Target, and Walmart.
- Low sugar
- 4-5g of protein
- 2-3g of fiber
- 130-150 calories per serving
They can be purchased at Ralphs, Target and Walmart or you can purchase an All Flavor Variety Pack on Amazon for $25+.
- No sugars, sweeteners, or artificial ingredients
- Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Whole30 approved, Vegan and Kosher
- 0 calories
They can be purchased at Costco, Ralphs, Target and Walmart or you can purchase an All Flavor Variety Pack on Amazon for $23+.
- No soy, MSG, or artificial ingredients
- Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Whole30 approved, Vegan and Kosher
- 0 calories
They can be purchased at Costco, Ralphs, Target and Walmart or you can purchase it on Amazon for $6+ with Amazon Prime Fresh.
Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt Bars

- Greek Yogurt Base
- 5g of Protein
- 80-150 calories
They can be purchased at Costco, Ralphs, Vons Target, and Walmart.
Most of these foods can be found in a market or store near you. Next time you go grocery shopping, take a look at this list and try these food options!
Yip Fitness Family
Prices may vary, please click the links to see the price.