Frequently Asked Questions

Basic Questions

What is Yipfitness?

We are an online fitness class that focuses on full body weight training. It is personalized group training with accountability coaching. Health meetings are given to each client either weekly, every other week, once a month, or on request, meeting frequency is based on the client’s needs. The goal is to support them towards their goals and prevent injuries.

Who is the program tailored for? 

Our main audience is women in their 20s-80s looking for support and community to reach their best health and to slow down the aging process. Everyone has one-on-one health meetings with a health coach and group fitness classes to participate in. We address nutrition, emotional, and physical health to help our community reach their personal health goals.

Can men join?

The workouts are tailored to women. For the comfort of our clients, it is an online fitness program built for women.

Is the first class free?

To make sure you are happy with the format of class, your first class is free. After your first class, you will have a free appointment with a health coach to discuss the class, your goals, and if we’re the right fit for each other. 🙂

How much does it cost?

  • 1st class is free
  • $16 US pay as you go for taking a class, $16 US per health meeting
  • $261 US for 20 classes ($13 per class)
  • $145 US monthly unlimited with health meetings, $105 US monthly unlimited classes only

To see other class packages, click on this link.

What are the payment methods?

Payment is remitted via another website, contact us for details. Classes can be pay as you go. Discounts can be enjoyed on bulk class bundles. You can also opt for a monthly unlimited access to classes for $145.

What are the types of classes available?

We currently offer Weight Training, Power Pilates, and Power Yoga.

All classes are one hour.

Workout-Related FAQs

I haven’t worked out in a long time? Can I still do the workout? 

All levels are welcomed to every class, the instructor will always give many options for movements or give you a personalize movement. Just shake your head to the instructor during class, and she will give you a different movement to do.

I have issues with (part of the body). Can I still do the workout?

Many clients have shoulder, knee, and other strains or pains, every movement in class has many options to prepare for any kind of issue you are going through. The instructor will also give you a personalize movement if you cannot do the movement in class.

I’m pregnant. Can I still do the workout?

It is good to ask your doctor first for their recommendation if you are at high risk to exercise. All workouts are moderate in intensity and there will be modifications you can do so you don’t lay on your stomach during the workout. The instructor will give you a personalized moment if you cannot do the one in class. Please inform the instructor before class if you are pregnant so they can prepare other movements for you.

What equipment do I need?

You need a mat. Dumbbells and bands are optional. Read our article called Yip Fitness Starter Kit for product recommendations.

How early should I arrive to my first class?

You can arrive to the zoom class early, but the class will start on time with the instructor. After your first class, a health coach will set up a meeting to talk to you about the class to get your feedback if the class was too easy, too hard, or just right. You will be asked if you feel any strains or pains and what your health goals are. Prepare to talk for 30 minutes with your health coach at that first meeting, all meetings after the first will usually be 5-15 mins long. All first classes and health meetings are free to make sure you like the format of class.

What do I need for class?

Exercise clothes and shoes, an exercise mat, and water bottle. Optional to have dumbbells and bands. Read our article called Yip Fitness Starter Kit for product recommendations.

How do I book a class?

Email or fill out the contact form and list the date and time based off the class schedule of when you would like to have your first class, please mention your time zone. You will be given the zoom link to come to your first free class.

What is the class schedule?

Click on this link for the class schedule.