Meet Breanne Markley


Breanne is a dedicated fitness instructor and former gymnast originally from a small country town in Illinois. With a lifelong dream of living near the ocean, she moved to Florida at age 21 to pursue a degree in marine biology, ultimately earning a B.S. in the field. Now based in Miami, Breanne discovered a passion for movement, leading her to become a certified yoga instructor in 2019. Since then, she has transitioned into a full-time career teaching a variety of classes, including yoga, pilates, and mobility. With over a decade of experience coaching gymnastics, Breanne combines her deep understanding of the body with a passion for helping others achieve their fitness goals.

Outside of teaching fitness, Breanne assists with manta ray research to identify manta populations in South Florida, blending her love for the ocean with her scientific background.


Breanne’s fitness philosophy is centered around the idea that movement should be a joyful and empowering experience. She believes in guiding others to find a form of exercise that not only strengthens their bodies, but also brings them a sense of fulfillment and happiness. Whether through yoga, pilates, or outdoor activities, Breanne aims to help people develop a lifelong love for movement, transforming it from a chore into a rewarding and essential part of their daily lives.


Outside of her professional life, Breanne’s hobbies revolve around her love for the outdoors, especially anything involving the ocean. Running is a significant part of her life—she has completed 7 half marathons and has no plans of slowing down. Beyond running, she enjoys paddle boarding, free diving, bike riding, and rollerblading, embracing every opportunity to stay active and connected to nature.

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